Nestled between the CeMar Trail, Indian Creek, and 32nd Street Drive SE, Mt. Calvary Cemetery has over 150 years of rich history and is located on sacred grounds, blessed by the Catholic Church. While anyone, Catholic or not, can be buried here, we maintain a close working relationship with all churches and funeral homes to offer a quiet and beautiful resting place.

We offer compassion and reverence for the dignity of your loved one, including personal attention within a comfortable, caring, and non-commercialized setting.

About Us

Founded in the 1850s, Mt. Calvary Cemetery began along a wagon trail—a place of reverence where settlers buried loved ones lost along the way. Today, Mt. Calvary Cemetery is not only the community's largest Catholic cemetery, it is also one of the oldest Catholic cemeteries in Cedar Rapids.

Eternal rest grant unto them,

O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Our Story